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Showing posts from 2013

Giants, Dragons, Heroes, and Apes

After the arrival of the twentieth year for Dangerous Doug Harper things promise to change to something different, better, brighter, and more exciting than what has previously been. We found ourselves in the driveway to a small three bedroom house on Clay Street in Nevada, MO. It was the eve of the NEW year as Dangerous Doug loaded up the backseat of the car with his guitar and other gear that was needed, then readied himself for the awaiting gig. In the near distance an unusual fog slowly drifted in. An alarming sound of shrieking coming from a nearly nine foot giant man. “Get down!” he now shrieked a second time. Promptly Dangerous Doug obliged the shrieking request and dropped to the ground with out a second thought to the quite unusual giant man. A flying, spinning, sharp, and silver axe just missed hitting Doug in the head, and stuck into the side of the nearby house just beside a window still proudly displaying a festive Christmas tree, with flashing lights. “Who’s there?,

Ashlee and Doug’s Casual Wedding

The happy couple have decided to join together in marriage! Recently the two have been engaged and plan to make a home together with their wonderful 9 month old daughter Rylee. They will be having a small casual dress wedding prior to their moving into the new home together. The event will be followed a few months later with a more official formal event (date still to be announced) but they are eager to unite just as the NEW year begins setting the stage for a long and happy life together. The casual wedding event will be held at the Christ Church of Nevada, MO located at 301 South Main Street, behind McDonalds, and will take place at 7 PM. If you would like to attend just show up, no RSVP is needed, and remember that it is casual dress.